

Advanced New Materials

先进材料,领先未来 Advanced materials, leading the future


Advanced materials, leading the future Advanced materials refer to those that have obtained certain special engineering properties through professional processing or synthesis techniques. They are of great significance in promoting technological innovation and optimizing the cost and efficiency of existing products.

汇众电子致力于为 电子/电器/机电 工业制造领域的客户提供各种先进新材料,当前的产品主要有碳纤维复合材料和高分子聚合物薄膜,它们为多个领域的客户提供了新的解决方案,帮助其提高产品的市场竞争力和效率。

Wilkon is committed to providing customers in the electronics/electrical/mechatronics manufacturing industry with various advanced new materials. The current products mainly include carbon fiber composites and polymer thin films. They provide new solutions for customers in multiple fields and help them improve their market competitiveness and efficiency.

碳纤维复合材料 Carbon Fiber Composites


Composite materials refer to materials composed of two or more different materials. These materials retain their characteristics in the composite material and interact with each other to improve overall performance.


Carbon fiber composites are a typical composite material composed of carbon fibers and a resin matrix. Their characteristics include high strength, high modulus, low density, high thermal conductivity, fatigue resistance and good heat resistance. In recent years, they have been increasingly widely used. For example:

  • 汽车领域:可以用于汽车车身、车架、车门、发动机罩等部件,可以大幅度减少汽车重量,提高燃油效率和性能。

In the automotive field: Carbon fiber composites can be used for car body, frame, doors, engine hood and other parts. They can significantly reduce the weight of the car and improve fuel efficiency and performance.

  • 自动化装备领域:可以用于提高装备的性能和减轻重量,从而提高装备的生产效率和运行效率。例如:

In the field of automated equipment: Carbon fiber composites can be used to improve equipment performance and reduce weight, thereby improving production efficiency and operational efficiency. For example:


For structural components of robots, such as mechanical arms, legs, joints and other parts. Carbon fiber composites can improve the strength, stiffness and stability of robots, thereby improving their accuracy and speed.


For transmission system components such as gears and shafts. Carbon fiber composites can reduce weight and improve transmission efficiency and accuracy, thereby improving equipment performance and efficiency.


For aerodynamic components such as blades and guides. Carbon fiber composites can improve the strength and stability of aerodynamic components, thereby improving equipment efficiency and production capacity.


For machine tool components such as bed and worktable. Carbon fiber composites can reduce weight and improve the stiffness and stability of machine tools, thereby improving machining accuracy and production efficiency.


For storage equipment components such as shelves and handling robots. Carbon fiber composites can reduce weight and improve the stability and efficiency of storage equipment, thereby improving production capacity and benefits.

  • 航空航天领域:被广泛应用于飞机、导弹、卫星等领域,如飞机机身、机翼、垂尾等部件。

In the aerospace field: Carbon fiber composites are widely used in aircraft, missiles, satellites and other fields. For example, they can be used for aircraft fuselage, wings and vertical tail components.

  • 体育器材领域:被广泛应用于高尔夫球杆、网球拍、自行车、滑板等器材中,可以提高器材的强度和刚度,同时减轻重量,方便携带和使用。

In the field of sports equipment: Carbon fiber composites are widely used in golf clubs, tennis rackets, bicycles and skateboards. They can improve the strength and stiffness of equipment while reducing weight for easy carrying and use.

  • 建筑领域:可以用于建筑结构、桥梁、隧道等领域,可以提高建筑物的强度和稳定性,并减轻重量和节省材料成本。

In the field of construction: Carbon fiber composites can be used in building structures, bridges and tunnels. They can improve the strength and stability of buildings while reducing weight and saving material costs.

高分子聚合物薄膜 Polymer film


Our polymer plastic films mainly include epoxy resin film and transparent polyimide film. These materials have high heat resistance, weather resistance, tensile strength and transparency. They are used in applications requiring shock absorption and bending resistance. Typical applications include sports equipment and flexible circuit boards.


Wilkon’s goal is to continuously advance technological innovation and provide customers with excellent advanced materials and corresponding services. To this end, we constantly enrich our experience and strive to accumulate more professional knowledge. In the future, we will continue to add more available advanced materials to meet the needs of different fields.


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